Some of my mobile apps are mentioned
intentionally in my various Blogs for the
sole purpose of Backlinks.
One of my Affiliate Marketing Guru
said that having backlinks from the Top Sites
that are ranked in Alexa ... will certainly
improve the positioning of your own website
and blogs.
Recently i received this email from someone
that claims to be an expert in SEO.
Dear Sir,
Your website is not ranked
#1 in the search engines?
If you want to increase the number of visitors
to your website it is important that you
have a top search engine position.
Our prices are less than half
of what other companies charge.
We can fairly quickly promote your website
to the top of the search rankings with
no long term contracts.
We can increase your ranking,
and improve your website's traffic dramatically.
Please reply to this message and we will
prepare a special proposal for you,
to show you how we can achieve
similar results for you.
Please contact me at your convenience
so we can start saving you some money.
From the tone of the email wordings,
its very obvious that this person is still
an amateur in Search Engine Optimization !!