Showing posts with label long-tailed keywords. Show all posts
Showing posts with label long-tailed keywords. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

How to generate Traffic to Mobile Apps


With millions of Mobile Apps in the

Google Play Store and Apple App Store, 

its a difficult task for Mobile App Creators

to generate traffic.

While popular Keywords or rather the

Most-Searched Keywords play a very

important role in determining the exposure

of the App .... another factor is also the

Ranking of the App.

For broadbased keywords and long-tailed

keywords, its the norm for newly-created apps

to be hiding deep down in the ranking.

What's the use of building a 1st Class App

if nobody can find your app ?

What's the use of creating a beautiful app

if its ranked at the bottom ?

Having your app approved and uploaded

to Play Store and Apple Store for your 

Android and iOS apps is basically a

DEFENSIVE Strategy .

What you need is an ATTACKING Strategy.

Meaning you get people to come to your app

rather than waiting for them to come to you !!

THUS one method i use to generate Traffic

is to post in Facebook Groups ...

These are groups which are Relevant and

Congruent to the Theme & Topic of my app.

I have been doing this for about 2 years,

and the results are quite good indeed.

BUT lately, the algorithm of Facebook

has changed tremendously, and always say

my posts are considered as SPAM .

Thus my traffic has now been reduced,

and my apps exposure too !!

So its now back to the drawing board

and think of NEW ways to get more

traffic to my apps again .